This page will be updated regularly. As the government advice, requirements and initiatives for help are being updated daily or even more often, please use the links below to see the most recent advice. The rest of this page will concentrate on local initiatives and information and general advice on keeping active mentally and physically and interacting safely with others through various media. Please contact the Parish Clerk via email if you have ideas that can be shared with other parishioners.
Keep safe, keep well and keep in contact.
Update and information from Herefordshire Council HEREFORDSHIRE_NOW_October2020
Community Shop and Share-a-Care
The Community Shop is staying open during lockdown, from 8.00 am till 12.00 midday Monday to Saturday and 8.00 am till 11.00 am on Sunday. Newspapers can be bought or collected as usual from 8.00 am onwards.
The shop now has extra safety precautions in place with a screen around the till area.
To protect themselves and volunteers, customers must wear a mask and use the sanitiser provided and strictly one customer at a time.
Do you need help during the new lockdown? Are you able to Volunteer to help others in the parish?
If so please: Phone Margaret on 01544 388097 or Sue on 01544 388066 between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday – Friday
Ideas from the One Step Out scheme to help during the Coronavirus outbreak – Contact Emma on 01684 312751 W. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 8.30-4.30
Covid 19 Bereavement Support from St Michael’s Hospice
For up to date information on St Michael’s Hospice services and visiting go to
The Counselling and Bereavement Team at St Michael’s Hospice recognise the difficulties faced by the community within the current Coronavirus pandemic. We are offering telephone listening support to any family, friend or carer who has been bereaved after losing someone from Covid 19. To find out more contact:
Sarah Jenkins tel: 01432 852627 email:
Karen Evans tel: 01432 852649 email:
Test and Trace Scam
Unfortunately there are scams circulating around the UK from unscrupulous people who are seeking to gain from the COVID-19 situation by contacting people randomly posing as a contact tracer and informing those people that they have been in contact with an infected person.
The caller states they are from the NHS Test and Trace service and states that according to their system they have come into close contact with someone who had tested positive for COVID-19, therefore they needed to self-isolate for 7 days and take a COVID-19 test.
The caller asks for the persons address and a payment card details, and a one off fee as there are penalties for not complying.This is a scam.
Please note the following. Contact tracers will never:
• Ask you to dial a premium rate number to speak to them (for example, those starting 09 or 087)
• Ask you to make any form of payment or purchase a product of any kind
• Ask for any details about your bank account
• Ask for your social media identities or login details, or those of your contacts
• Ask you for any passwords or PINs, or ask you to set up any passwords or PINs over the phone
• Disclose any of your personal or medical information to your contacts
• Provide medical advice on the treatment of any potential coronavirus symptoms
• Ask you to download any software to your PC or ask you to hand over control of your PC, smartphone or tablet to anyone else
• Ask you to access any website that does not belong to the government or NHS
For further information on the Test and Trace service – visit:
WISH Herefordshire
Useful information on shops and food outlets with delivery and takeaway services, go to Leominster area for more detailed information
Help with domestic abuse
Warning about Covid scammers
Victim Support – Advice for Individuals – Scammers and Fraudsters
New Herefordshire Council web pages with information on latest data, help with paying Council Tax and rent, staying at home, working from home, local services, links to latest health and government information and many other useful links
Links to local initiatives and information
24.3.20 Read a letter to Parishioners detailing the Parish Council’s response to Covid-19.
We need Volunteers to help vulnerable people and we would also like to hear from you if you need help. The letter above gives contact details.
Visit the Eardisland Village Facebook page.
Herefordshire Council has set up a response programme which you can volunteer for, though it will link straight to the parish response.
People wishing to volunteer can register and vulnerable people needing support can register on the following link: Talk Community Covid Response telephone number: 01432 260027 Email address
The council’s Economic Development Team delivers a service called the Marches Growth Hub Herefordshire. This online service offers FREE support services for all local businesses. There are a number of government supported initiatives that can potentially help businesses through this unprecedented time of uncertainty.
If you are a business wishing to have further information on Covid-19 then the details of the local support are available on the Marches Growth Hub Website – Alternatively if you wish to discuss with a member of the Economic Development team please contact 01432 261758 or 01432 383633 or
Ideas for keeping healthy and active
Access help for parents with schooling and activities
Lots of ideas from this link
Looking after your mental health during the Coronavirus crisis
More ideas of things to do
· Indoor scavenger hunt – great idea for kids to entertain them around the house or create one for the garden or use just colours or choose a letter of the alphabet. Once they’ve collected them all, part of the game is then to return them from where they found them!
· Covid-19 Care cards – In these times it is useful for us to thing each day what we have been grateful for and find joy in the small things. These cards give a focus and can be shared with others.
· Coping Calendar – 30 actions to look after ourselves and focus on
· Fence removal – I’ve been seeing this more and more across social media and think its great way to connect with your neighbours and have a face to face chat whilst also still practising social distancing.
· Green Card in Window – Another great idea is to have red and green cards displayed in the window. Green – I’m ok. Red – I need help with something. This really helps if not everyone is connected on social media.
· chrome-extension://gphandlahdpffmccakmbngmbjnjiiahp/ Why not find some free colouring books
· Plant a sun flower – watch it grow and maybe compete with neighbours/family who can grow the biggest. Something to nurture and hopefully be in full bloom when we are out of lockdown.