Neighbourhood Development Plan

What is the Neighbourhood Development Plan?

Our Plan has given us new rights to shape the development of Eardisland up to 2031. It allows us to identify where development can be, what type of property can be built and to designate areas for open space, leisure, commerce and business. The Plan was subject to a referendum of all on the electoral roll for Eardisland Parish. With a simple majority, our Plan became enshrined in law.

How does it affect me?

Our approved Plan is used by Herefordshire Council to make decisions on all planning applications in Eardisland.

Eardisland Neighbourhood Development Plan has completed examination and is now progressed to Referendum. The Plan for the Referendum and it’s Annex can be accessed below, along with all other relevant documents.

View all NDP Notes

View all NDP Documents

Eardisland Draft Neighbourhood Plan with post-examination modifications final

Eardisland Neighbourhood Plan Annex for Plan

Eardisland Decision Statement following examination July 16

Eardisland NDP Report of Independent Examination 120716


Eardisland Draft Neighbourhood Plan for Submission 19.3.16 Final

Eardisland Basic Conditions Statement 11.3.16 Final

Eardisland Consultation Statement 11.3.16 Final

Eardisland submission letter



Report of NDP Community Consultation October 2015

Results and comments 9-10.10.15

Display pages for Community Consultation October 2015

Report of Options Consultation Open Events November 2014

Options consultation results and responses November 2014

Protected views responses November 2014

Display pages for Options Consultation November 2014

Eardisland Community Led Plan 2012 2013